Flood Risk Assessment for Planning in England

Planning Policy

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is a document published by the government. This document dictates what development is permissible in each Flood Zone classification for England only.

You can find out what classification your site has here: Environment Agency Flood Zones.

You will require a flood risk assessment if your site is within flood zone 2 or 3, has critical drainage problems or is altering the sites risk classification to a higher risk.

Flood Zones

England is categorized into three distinct flood zones.

Flood Zone 1: Considered to have an annual probability of sea or river flooding of less than 0.1%.

Flood Zone 2: Considered to have an annual probability of river flooding of 0.1%-1% or sea flooding of 0.5%-1%.

Flood Zone 3: Considered to have an annual probability of river flooding of >1% or sea flooding of >0.5%.

Will My Development Be Acceptable?

Flood Zone 1

All land use classifications are appropriate.

Flood Zone 2

Land use suitable for development is restricted to essential Infrastructure, less vulnerable infrastructure such as shops, offices, police stations etc. And more vulnerable infrastructure such as residential houses, nurseries, drinking establishments etc.

Highly vulnerable infrastructure such as caravans and basement dwellings are generally not appropriate.

All development proposals submitted to the planning authority should be accompanied by a Level 2 Flood Risk Assessment.

Flood Zone 3

Flood Zone 3 is split into two sub-categories, a & b.

Less vulnerable land use such as shops, offices and police stations are appropriate in flood zone 3.

More vulnerable developments such as residential properties, nurseries and drinking establishments should be permitted if the Exception Test is passed.

All development proposals submitted to the planning authority should be accompanied by a Level 2 Flood Risk Assessment.

*Exception test is included within the Floodplan Level 2 FRA*